DIY Dentistry Just Isn’t Worth the Risk

A recent report in a popular tabloid stated that some people have given up on going to the dentist in an effort to save money and are attempting DIY dentistry, sometimes with horrific results. Apparently there’s been an increase in sales of dental kits available in chemists to mend or stick down crowns. However these kits are only designed to be a stopgap until you can get the dentist for proper dental care and are perfect if you’re going on holiday and are worried about any of your crowns or veneers coming loose. There’s also been a huge increase in the sales of home teeth whitening kits.

People have been attempting to pull out their own teeth with pliers, or have been sticking back crowns with superglue. Superglue will damage the tooth, and could result in the need for surgery. Other attempts at DIY dentistry have involved using household bleach to whiten teeth, and popping abscesses and ulcers with pins. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

Regular Dental Care Is Much More Affordable Than You Might Realise

Not visiting the dentist at regular intervals is extremely short-sighted, as regular dental check-ups actually have the potential to save your life, and are much more affordable than you might think. Leeds City Dentalcare publishes its price list online so you know exactly what you’re in for before you even pick up the phone to make an appointment. If you do require any treatment then you’ll receive a treatment plan that gives you a full breakdown of all the costs involved.

In the longer term regular dental check-ups with Dr David Brown or one of our other highly skilled dentist at Leeds City Dentalcare will save you money while preserving your teeth and gums, as it’s far less expensive to have smaller fillings replaced than to be faced with tooth extraction and replacement at a later date. In addition our dentists are highly trained and can identify other problems such as mouth cancer, and oral conditions that may be linked to other serious diseases such as heart disease or diabetes.

Making Your Teeth Last a Lifetime

Your teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but can only do so if you look after them properly, and regular appointments with one of our hygienists are an extremely important part of your oral maintenance plan. They will scale and polish your teeth, removing any plaque bacteria that may have built up on the teeth, lessening the risk of infection and inflammation in your gums. Another nice side effect of this treatment is that your teeth will probably look a little whiter afterwards, so you may not need to bleach them after all.

If you do decide to go ahead and whiten your teeth then it’s really important to have a full check-up beforehand. Purchasing a whitening kit online or at the chemists can be risky if you don’t follow their instructions precisely. The whitening trays supplied with these types of kits often fit extremely badly and can allow the bleaching gel to leak out onto your gums. If you have any signs of dental diseases such as tooth decay or gum disease then you’re likely to find this very uncomfortable, and it could even end up damaging your teeth and gums. The whitening trays provided by Leeds City Dentalcare are an affordable and safe way of whitening your teeth as the trays are custom-made to exactly fit over your teeth, protecting your gums. Your dental health is important to us so we won’t supply these whitening trays unless your teeth and gums are strong and healthy.

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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