Is it Time to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Wisdom teeth are renowned for being a symbol of wisdom as they don’t erupt until the late teens or early 20s. However many people will need to get them removed as there’s simply not enough room in the modern jaw to accommodate these third molars. The problems can begin as they try to erupt and it is important to know when it is time to ’bite the bullet’ and get them removed by your dentist in Leeds..

Dentist LeedsProblems Caused by Wisdom Teeth

Quite often wisdom teeth will only be able to partially erupt or break through the gum. This leaves a flap of tissue around the tooth that can trap bacteria and food. The flap of skin can be very difficult to clean properly, but failing to do so could lead to an infection developing which is called pericoronitis, and which causes inflammation and swelling in the gum around the tooth. If the infection is allowed to continue then it can spread beyond the jaw and can even affect the neck and cheeks. Symptoms of pericoronitis include:

  • Having a bad taste in the mouth that’s caused by pus leaking from the gums
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth
  •  Swollen gum tissues
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
  • Pain

If you think you may have an infection around your wisdom teeth then it’s important to make an appointment with Leeds City Dentalcare to see Dr David Brown or another dentist. They will be able to diagnose any infection and can work out a suitable plan of action. This may include treating the infection with antibiotics, but if the inflammation is severe, and if it reoccurs, then it may be necessary to extract the wisdom tooth or to at least remove the flap of gum tissue.

Wisdom teeth can also cause problems if they try to erupt in the wrong direction, for example if they try to come up horizontally under the tooth next door then they will require extraction as otherwise they could damage your existing teeth.

Regular Dental Visits Are the Key to Catching Problems with Wisdom Teeth

If you already visit our Leeds surgery at regular intervals then we will most likely be aware of any potential problems that might develop when your wisdom teeth try to erupt. Regular x-rays will allow our dentist in Leeds to track the progress of the development of your wisdom teeth so action can be taken if they need extraction. Not everyone will need their wisdom teeth removing, and as they can and do erupt perfectly normally. However if you are likely to develop problems then it’s easier to have them taken out when you’re younger and before the roots are fully developed. As you age the tooth roots begin to fuse into the jawbone, making extraction more difficult.

Having a wisdom teeth extracted before problems develop will mean the surgery is more comfortable, and you’re likely to recover more quickly afterwards. If you are older and require wisdom teeth extracted then it’s still not something you should be scared of having done, as modern surgical techniques will ensure you are kept comfortable during the whole process, and even all four teeth can be taken out in a remarkably short period of time by an experienced dental surgeon.

If you have ever wondered where the phrase ‘bite the bullet’ came from then it is thought to have originated from a time when patients about to undergo surgery were given a bullet to bite down on. The phrase was first recorded in a Rudyard Kipling novel. Thankfully those times are behind us, and we can assure you that you will be give plenty of anaesthetic during any type of dental surgery

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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